Role: Lead Strategist & Content Director, Wolff Olins, London
How can you meaningfully impact 100,000+ learners?
Meaningfully impact tens of thousands learners worldwide
Filming with professors at the University of East Anglia
Our ambition was huge: to make online learning a powerful inclusive force for individual change and growth.
I collaborated with Robert Jones, Head of New Thinking at Wolff Olins and professor at the University of East Anglia to make FutureLearn’s first Massive Open Online Course: a 6-week program on the Secret Power of Brands.
• Learning Needs Assessment
• Content Strategy
• Art Direction + Research + Expert Interviews
To date, the MOOC has run 15+ times, reaching over 100,000+ learners around the world, and it’s one of FutureLearn’s most highly rated courses. It is also the core case study for FutureLearn’s pedagogy handbook.
Key Learnings
View content as stimulus
Treat your videos, slideshows, photography and text as stimulus that get learners to think and work with greater intention.
Less can be more
People are busy. Focus on the things that are really going to help people on the job now.
Go behind-the-scenes
Showing is better than telling. Give learner’s an insider look into the work – rough sketches, workshop notes, anecdotes and fun facts.
“This is a priceless bundle of knowledge that will always accompany me.”
— Carlos Portillo, 2013 learner